About us

Clear Path Coaching is dedicated to creating long lasting positive change in the lives of our clients and customers! We deliver quality, affordable, and personalized life coaching services and handmade wellness products to aid you in your personal development journey. 

Why I Started Clear Path Coaching Group:

My name is Carly Bahringer, I started Clear Path Coaching because helping others out of a dark place and into the fullness of who they were called to be has always been my passion. I personally struggled with my mental health and personal growth and I know first hand how it feels like to be in that position. I want to use my extensive life coach training combined with my first hand experience to create long lasting positive change in every persons life I come in contact with. I know that each and every one of us has a calling, purpose, and passion and I am here to help you make those things a reality in your life. 

Our mission

At Clear Path Coaching Group, our mission is to create positive transformation, balance, and harmony, for our customers through our life coaching and inspirational products. We are dedicated to driving results in our clients lives and give them the tools to create long lasting positive change. We believe that your goals are right within your grasp and we want to help you make them a reality! Start creating specific, detail orientated, and actionable change in your life with our life coaching services and inspirational product line!

Our Services

Our Life Coaching services our custom tailored to your unique life path. We understand at Clear Path Coaching that our services are not a one size fits all package. We create specific plans and tools in each coaching session built for YOU and YOUR LIFE. We derive satisfaction from seeing our clients making steps in the right direction towards their ideal life and finding balance and harmony in the process!

Our Products

We started our product line because we know how time-consuming and expensive it is to find and buy beautiful, quality wellness products that would last. We hand make most of our product and designed them around your wellbeing and growth. All of our products are made with intentionality to give you the most effective use and generate the most meaning for you on your journey. We recommend that you pair our products with our coaching services for the best results. We're glad that you found us, and hope you’ll enjoy our products as much as we do!